


Stake Land


Vampires. Everybody loves Vampires. Literature loves vampires, cinema loves vampires.

Tom Cruise as Lestat (Thanks for the great books, Anne Rice), Brad Pitt as Louis; Gary Oldman as Dracula (nice book, Bram Stoker); Max Schreck as Graf Orlock (Good for you, Murnau); Christopher Lee as Dracula (in Dracula by Terence Fisher... ); Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula (did you see him fight against Abott and Costello, it's so funny); Lina Leanderson as Eli (You HAVE to see "Let The Right One In" by Tomas Alfredson, brilliant) and the list continue...

...until now Robert Pattison as Edward Cullen  (Twilight saga, Stephenie Meyer, Thanks?); probably Robert Downey Jr. as Lestat (not again, please!)

Well, the Vampires' world takes many forms inside the movies. I will introduce you a trailer.

Stake Land (2010) promises a very different version, some kind of Vampires' "newfresh" vision, something far away from Twilight Saga (interesting, but if you let me, nothing compare with Anne Rice's or Stoker's world).

Here it is:

The director: Jim Mickle (new one)

The actors: Connor Paolo, Nick Damici and Gregory Jones

I miss a good movie about this amazing legend.

Lets wait and see...


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